Friday, July 13, 2007

One Month Since

So I'm nearing the one month mark since my graduation... honestly it still feels like i'm on a break. well except for when i have mini panic attacks after buying sheets & towels for my dorm.
I kindof regret going to a high school where staying local is so frowned on. I mean, even if i changed my mind now, the people who meant so much to me here would still be leaving. we're all dispersing, off to bigger and hopefully better things.
And yeah, yeah, i'll have a great time at wheaton, i'll make new, wonderful friends, i've heard it hundreds of times, and i believe it but my heart still aches a bit. Oh and in 4 years, i'll be in this position all over again.. siiigh. anyways mostly this entry was to post Mr Brown's graduation speech because i'm afraid he'll take it down in september when the new year starts and he has a whole new set of senioritis infected classes.

"Thank you. I asked Mr. Kish to play “SexyBack” but I was told it wasn’t in the repertoire. Perhaps the editors at EBTV will be kind enough to throw it in when they play this all summer on Channel 3 somewhere between “Look Great, Feel Great” with Lenore Kulek and “Spotlight on Education” with our own telegenic Superintendent. Dr. Magistro, what are the chances that I can get a guest spot on there?

Wow, Class of 2007! We thought you’d never leave! It’s amazing, but you made it through—senioritis and all. Do you know what it’s like to teach 400 seniors?
“Do you have a piece of paper?” It’s 12th period, how did you make it through the day?!! “I haven’t written anything all day.”
“Do you have a pen?” This is your final! “I didn’t know we were going to have to write.”

From the moment you chose me as your speaker back in March, not a day has gone by that someone hasn’t asked me if my speech was done. This included the fine people on this stage who wanted to read it ahead of time for fear I would say something inappropriate. (I promise, I’ll do my best not to.) But you know, March wasn’t exactly a time that inspired me; you weren’t graduating yet. So, every couple of weeks, Mr. Csatari would casually stop by and gently nudge me it hand in sometime soon, and I would gently suggest that I was still waiting for a spark of creativity. But that spark didn’t really come; it still felt like commencement was miles away.

I thought I could give advice on what to do with this not so attractive shade of green cap and gown now that you shelled out $60 for it! (Let me suggest using the tassel as a bookmark or for cleaning those hard to reach crevices in your dorm room, using the cap as a lovely planter or perhaps fruit bowl, and of course, using the gown as next year’s Halloween costume!) But that won’t fill a whole speech.

So then I thought, well, you all live in this beautiful town of East Brunswick, so why not let the place inspire me. I went to quietly reflect and soak up the local culture in the tranquil passageways of the Brunswick Square Mall; I took a leisurely stroll up and down Route 18. (Why are you laughing? That wasn’t a joke. OK, yes it was.) Needless to say, this was entirely unhelpful.

So I turned to you, the Graduating Class of 2007. You guys could’ve been helpful because you bombarded me with all kinds of suggestions about what I “just had” to do or say, so I opened up a forum on the Humanities website to collect ideas. Some of the finest included:
==> yo brown. buzz the back of your head in a design that reads CLASS OF 2007.
==> yo brown you should “definantly” (spelled D-E-F-I-N-A-N-T-L-Y) shave your head, [but do it] on stage while playing loud punk music or some new wave such as the clash or elvis costelleo. then be like woo class of 07. DO IT!!! ~Vinnie P~
==> dont listen to vinnie, that is the worst idea ever - Chris D

You can see how these suggestions—though amusing—were not the most helpful.

Then May came, and it was college graduation season. I would turn on the news and see that Bill Gates was speaking at Harvard, Oprah Winfrey was at Howard. Montclair got Whoopi Goldberg this year. I read a bunch of these speeches, since they all come up if you google “graduation speech” by they still didn’t inspire me. The closest I can was with Kean University. This year’s graduation speaker at Kean was Suitcase Holder #18 on Deal or No Deal. (Marisa Petroro) I thought “this is brilliant! I can do that!” I always wanted to be on a game show anyway. I’m not really sure what inspirational message she was carrying in that suitcase, but it has to be pretty great. After all, she gets paid wear pretty clothes and hold a suitcase! This woman has a good life! How can I teach the Class of ’07 to achieve that? So I thought, what about a game of DIPLOMA OR NO DIPLOMA!?

Alright in all seriousness—sorry, you knew this part was coming—I’ll tell you why I’ve spent so much time talking about writing this speech and my inspiration for it. I want to say something serious to you on your graduation day about inspiration.

You see, we’ve taught you to do well in school; we’ve taught you that to do that by getting good grades. But there are certain things that can’t be graded, and it’s quite possibly those things that matter most. After all, once you leave high school, nobody really cares what your GPA or your SAT score was. Nobody cares what your class rank was or how you did on the BC Calc exam. For the record, I got a 5 and I’m still trying to make friends with the math teachers! (Ms. Sharma, you really do look lovely today! These colors really work for you.) For most of you, it won’t matter whether or not you know the stages of cell reproduction, the way to solve a quadratic equation, or the differences between a harmonic or melodic minor scale.

If I can be slightly heretical, I want to suggest that in spite of all the tests, and homework, and studying you’ve done, that maybe we haven’t taught you much at all. I mean, of the adults in the audience, how much do you remember from high school? We hear a lot today about what a great school we are; but I think we’re a terrible school if the best thing we have to give you is a number or a letter or a transcript! Because if that’s what inspires you to learn, then we’re all missing the point. And it’s a vicious cycle, because the more we as teachers use grades to motivate you, the more you crave grades as your reward for learning instead of the intrinsic value of learning something you want to learn.

The things that are most important in life are things we can’t grade you on. Things like:
==> Inspiration—do you have Passion, Drive, Curiosity?
==> Character—(Maybe it’s not just the street in front of Hammarskjold after all.) Do you have Integrity, Courage, Compassion?

These are the things that people remember you by. Are you a good person? Are you inspired…by something…by anything at all? Who cares if it’s not a subject we teach in school.

Class of 2007, as I experienced myself with this very speech, no one else can give you inspiration; you’ve got to find it on your own. It’s an exciting journey, but it’s one you make for yourself, not for anyone else. You can’t find inspiration in life because someone will give you an "A" if you do.

My hope is that someone along the way, at some point in your career, (perhaps even one of us) has introduced you to an idea that sparks your imagination, your curiosity, your passion. And you will run with it. The beauty of life is that it is a constant process of discovery and chance. Every day is a new day to be inspired. Sitting at my own high school graduation, I had no intention of being a teacher; even at my college graduation I didn’t know I’d wind up a teacher. But here I am, and I love it.

Do what interests you simply because it interests you—not because it’s an easy class, or it looks good on a transcript, or because your relatives want you to. If it excites you, that’s enough; see where it leads you. And my wish for you is that you all, in your own good time (which, to your parents dismay, might be a while), will find those things and those people that truly inspire you. I certainly have. Class of 2007, on behalf of all of your teachers, thank you for being our inspiration.

To conclude, I will return to the Humanities website, where I will share the best suggestion for my speech. It was:
==> let us remember ebhs just as it is.. crazy and full of PDA.

Good luck, Class of ’07. We’ll miss you.

Thank you for letting me speak.
Thank you for letting us teach you.

Now go out there and be inspired!"

Saturday, May 26, 2007

when it isnt enough?

(Note: i am not talking about anything romantic in this post, so dont think i am)
What do you do when the friendship you're being offered isn't enough? What happens when you want more? When despite that you want to grow, you're stuck in one dimension?
Do you continue on, pretending nothing is wrong? Even if it tears you apart? Do you cut it off, give up hope that it will ever get there? Do you tell them, even though they can't change anything (currently)? Or does that just add the burden unnecessarily to someone who doesn't need it?

i know i post a lot of rhetorical questions, but many of these aren't. i'd like actual answers...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Forgiving Friends

I haven't been doing a good job posting anything of interest lately, mostly just the songs running through my head..
I'm sitting here in french class, supposedly researching french pastries, but I'd rather post. If only I had something to post about.
I suppose it would be a better use of my time to read Catch-22 which my english teacher just sprang on us with only a month left of school. But why be rational about my free time?
So what have i been thinking about lately...
well in sunday school a couple weeks ago we read John 22, where Jesus asks Peter the three times if he loves him. Peter is hurt and offended by the inquiry, but it is necessary for their friendship to continue. It's Jesus' way of saying "you messed up, but I forgive you". I struggle a lot with that, it seems like i never say BOTH of those things. It isn't at all unlikely that i say "you messed up, and thats it" and then hold a grudge but it also happens plenty that i shrug it off with a "that's fine, i forgive you". However sometimes without telling someone the "you messed up" part, they don't even realize it. When i talked to Diana she really couldn't seem to understand why i was upset, that she had done something that hurt me. In some ways that bothered me the most.
Without the "you messed up" there's the chance they don't even realize it, and will continue to do it. Also I wonder how sincere an forgivement can be when just shrugged off or smoothed over.
But of course it is important to forgive. People deserve more than one chance.It is possible to learn from your past mistakes without shutting out everyone who has the possibility of doing it again. I'm not even sure that sentence made sense...
I'm not even sure where else to go with this. There are some conversations I wish i'd handled better in this way, but i can't change those now.

Also, some of you may read this and think i am being hypocritical. If you read this thinking this is me telling you what to do, then it most certainly is! However, this is more of me trying to convince myself of the right way to react, knowing that it is far from how i tend to.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Wishing you all the best this year.
Happy Birthday.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Struggles with an Omniscient God

So as you may know, i've given up the internet during the school week, so if you're wondering why i'm posting this, i have decided my blog is fair game. i'm thinking, writing, expressing, not just rotting my mind away the way i usually do online. yay, rationalization. (email is also permitted, so if you need to contact me, that's the way to do so)
anyways, back on topic...
so the bible teaches us that God knows everything, our every word, action, thought. my reaction: uh oh. seriously, i'll think something and then think "wow, i wish God couldn't hear that" and then nearly hit myself on the head and think "garr, i wish he couldn't hear that either!" there's no putting up fronts from him, no hiding behind omission or a quick change of topic. no thought is safe, not even the wishing they were.
yesterday, God showed me really He could put that knowledge to use. I was walking down the stairs about to go on the computer and be tempted when my friend called to invite me over to watch Heroes with her. I was caught in the temptation, shifty eyed and yearning. But i went, fled the scene. Then i got home and the laptop was just lying around, so i picked it up and took it upstairs with me, with every intention of simply checking my email. But it wouldnt turn on, the battery was completely dead. sigh. In that moment i wished that God would just let me be tempted, but now I am glad he didnt.. i'm getting stronger. Today I only gave myself ten minutes (which is why this blog may seem rushed and incoherent) before House starts, which is enough motive for me to leave and stay away.
God bless, <3

Friday, April 20, 2007

Seeking the Superlative

We, or at least I, live in a world full of superlatives. They are everywhere, you can't avoid them even if you want to.
I can't even do those stupid myspace surveys half the time anymore, and forget those top eight ones! Because without a doubt they will ask why my #1 is #1, and i don't have an answer. I haven't had a reason in a long time now (this is also why my top 8 is and may always be hidden). But anyways, not getting distracted by the rant that could be myspace... Everyone is running around for the top priority in their life, be it BFF or bf/gf (which these days seems to have the superlative built in, which is also a rant for another time), everyone is looking for those people they know they can count on for anything, anywhere, anytime. Close friends aren't enough, nor good friends or people in your clique or group or whatever. There's always that one labeled "best".
It's silly, yes, but don't think I'm preaching against, because I'm not. In fact, I long to have that sort of security in someone. It's not that my close friends aren't wonderful or supportive, but these days it somehow isn't enough. I don't know why having the label would make me feel any better, in fact i guess it wouldn't, because she currently has the label for lack of someone else, and obviously that doesn't reassure me at all. She can't even bother to keep her simple promises (or even at least know better than to promise things she wont keep), I sure am not going to call her just because i feel sad or lonely.
As selfish as it is, I want to be someone's top priority. I want to be valuable and worthwhile to someone. Right now i feel like i'm stuck in no-man's land or something. More than just an acquaintance, but no one's top. I know it's juvenile and childish but i miss that security.

Friday, April 06, 2007

A Despised Word

The first cd i ever owned was by a man by the name of Steven Curtis Chapman. I must admit that i dont listen to him very much anymore, but i probably should. But anyways, tonight i was reminded by something in one of his songs
"never did like the word mediocre
never wanted it to be said of me
[...]So what is this thing i see
going on inside of me?
when it comes to the grace of God.."

i really do hate the idea of being mediocre, even the Bible instructs us to be either hot or cold, not lukewarm.
God wants us to give our lives to him. All of it. Not just a part here and there. Not just half an hour in my down time. Certainly not the last five minutes of my night before i fall dead asleep.
Spring break is a wonderful thing, and i love it dearly, however it throws off my entire schedule. I had made the decision to move my prayer & Bible time up from the last minutes of the day to right after i get home from school. However, when i'm not in school everything becomes very wishy washy and just whenever i feel like doing things. Sadly, i'm still not at the point where i really desire to read, especially since i'm in the part of Joshua where they are dividing up the land, not a thriller.
I want to be able to stick to it. I was talking to my friend today about "let your yes be yes and your no be no". Make a decision and stick to it. I hate decisions. I hate committing to things. However, some things are important, and are worth sticking to. I dont want to be mediocre, lukewarm or sporadic. I want to be committed to my God whose love i can hardly begin to understand. I want to give my whole life over to Him. I want to truly be able to give it entirely to Him.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It was gorgeous outside today, so I decided to walk around the neighborhood a bit. The sun was shining, there was a cool breeze and it was actually warm enough to wear a tshirt.
I was going to spend the time listening to my mp3 player, probably "Fair", but when i turned it on, it kindly informed me that the battery was too low. So i did the next best thing: put my earbuds in anyways so that no one would bother me. I decided that since i was using my Bible/prayer time for this walk, it was appropriate to pray as i walked.
I wandered up and down the streets, talking to God about both the things i always talk about, and some of the things i like to avoid. I asked that he would help me guard my tongue, give me patience and help me rely on him. I prayed for my future husband, and that He would bring us both closer to Him. And I prayed for forgiveness once again for things i know he's forgiven me for, but that i can't forgive myself for and fear my family/other christians may someday find out. God then reminded me that it is His opinion that matters, not their's, so quit worrying about it.
It was all very relaxing, and it was quite depressing to have to come back inside and do the mountains of homework that has piled up. I plan to do this again.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Becoming Beautiful

I finally have a direction for this blog. I don't have the time, energy or ideas to go too into detail now, but this is my journey to become beautiful in character.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

From Ian I learned not to trust words.
From Dave I learned not to trust actions either.
From Diana I learned not to trust history.
Now I am learning to trust.

(it's the most difficult one yet)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dismantled. Repair?

this is my honesty.
and honestly, i haven't a clue where this is headed, or what i will end up saying. but i'm just saying it. .. to the wide world of empty internet. here goes:

the world frustrates me. it's so inconsistent, which is probably a terribly hypocritical thing for me to say, but it's true. things in life wouldnt bother me nearly as much if they were consistent. especially words with actions, but even consistent in words and consistent within actions. i generally have the stance that i dont care if someone is lying to me, as long as i dont find out. it's not the lying that hurts, its the the discovering that you've been lied to. the problem with this stance is that people arent nearly consistent enough to pull it off correctly. the truth comes out, the actions contradict the words, whatever it may be. that's what hurts.

the obvious solution? loosen up. it's really not such a big deal. chill out. the world is not all about me, or what i want or even how i feel. it's just not. which is beyond just as well. but further than that, i think i need to discover the inconsistencies in my own life and behavior. let's face it, they're there. do i really want to look for them? no, not at all, but i think it would help make me a better person as well as see more of the good in others, rather than getting hung up on little inconsistencies. what good does me getting hurt and bitter do me? and even more importantly, what good does it do anyone else? nothing. get rid of it.

someone has suggested learning to better love when i dont feel loved. it's sad that sometimes my love is as conditional as it is. can that even really be called love? i really don't know, i cant even pretend to begin to understand it at all.

(dismantle me down)
i need to get rid of all these hang ups and barriers
and start all anew